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Google Ad Grant

With Google Ad Grant You Can Get $120,000 a year!

With the $120,000 Grant, you can get More Recognition, More Visitors, More Donations and More Volunteers


$ 1,000 3 Campaigns a Month
  • Monthly Performance Reporting
  • Weekly Grant Compliance
  • Regular Account Optimization
  • In-Depth Keyword Research
  • Ad Group Organization
  • Content Creation-ad copy


$ 2,000 8 Campaigns a Month
  • Monthly Performance Reporting
  • Weekly Grant Compliance
  • Regular Account Optimization
  • In-Depth Keyword Research
  • Ad Group Organization
  • Content Creation-ad copy


$ 5,000 20+ Campaigns a Month
  • Monthly Performance Reporting
  • Weekly Grant Compliance
  • Regular Account Optimization
  • In-Depth Keyword Research
  • Ad Group Organization
  • Content Creation-ad copy

Get Digital Marketing Services

Why Google Ad Grant

Reach More People

Collect Donations 

Promote Events

Acquire Volunteers

What Are The Requirements?

Your Non-Profit Must...

How To Apply?

Why Work With Us?


Work with a professional team that has experience in the field of non-profits

From applying to the ads grant and running ads we do everything necessary to take FULL ADVANTAGE of the Google Ads Grant. You get to work with a team that is…

  • Professional
  • Experienced in the field of non-profits
  • Open & Trustworthy
  • Agile & Versatile


Let us handle the tedious tasks so you can focus on advancing your non-profit. Let us handle the tedious tasks so you can focus on advancing your non-profit.

Many nonprofits lose their grant and have their ad accounts suspended, because they are not aware of the requirements to keep it going!

  • Need to maintain a healthy and high-quality ad account
  • Improve ad quality scores
  • Choosing the right audience for the right ads
  • Maintain a 5% click-through rate and more…


Our accomplishments speak for themselves.

2015% Increase in Clicks!

0 to 76k Impressions!

Our Process

Initial Steps

Monthly Google Grant Ads